Seasons Are Like My Waxing Sessions

Every month I go and get a wax. To make sure my body is looking good. Self-care is everything this season for me. This last time I went as I was sitting there I heard God tell me “Viv seasons in life are like these waxing sessions…”

At first I was like “um Jesus that’s not you, how can that be?” But I kept listening. As my waxing lady kept on talking about her Christmas season I felt like God was talking too. 

Calendar seasons are weird. The calendar says summer ends in late September but you might feel like it lasts all the way into October. And when spring comes around you might not get “spring showers” until late April. Makes me wonder why does the calendar define what season we are in if it doesn’t always feel like we are in that season? 

But the truth is that this is how our life goes doesn’t it? One season of our life things are great! Our relationships are thriving. Our family is doing good. We are motivated to lose weight. Our money is good. Then the next thing you know the season changes and your friendships are falling apart, you can’t seem to stop fighting in your marriage, your kids are always acting up, you seem not be able to get financially ahead, your boyfriend/girlfriend just broke up with you. They said it was going to rain but never warned you about the pouring in life. 

But that’s how calendar seasons are. Heck sometimes the weather people, (I don’t know what they’re called, I’ll google it later), they get it wrong. And it says 40% rain but turns out it’s a thunderstorm and we’re not prepared for it so we don’t bring out rain boots or big puffy jacket. That’s how life hits us, sometimes we aren’t prepared for it. 

But see the calendar is there to remind us that March 1st is first day of spring, June 21st is first day of summer, September 23rd is first day of fall and December 21st is first day of winter. The reason that’s important is because they are there to give us hope during the rain that sun will come. During the hot, the wind/cool will come. During the cold the sun will come again. If we don’t understand the seasons we lose hope. And we will think that we are stuck in one of those seasons when the next one is right around the corner. 

As I’m getting my wax, I realize I love the feeling of my skin being smooth, that’s why I’m here. But I hate the beginning part. Where she rips the hair off your skin. No matter how many times I go it’s still painful. Every time I go I tell myself it won’t be that bad because I’ve gone through this but every time it still hurts a little. 

This is what I got. If you want the smooth skin, the fun sunny seasons in your life, then you must endure the rainy/sucky seasons which is like this wax ripping off the hair on your skin. 

Endure. Keep going. The smooth skin or sunny season is worth it. And if you prefer the cold then flip it lol I love the sun so I’m waiting for the sun but you might be counting the days till fall. That’s ok. The point is don’t think that the good season, the one you enjoy isn’t coming. It is.